
Mysql enterprise monitoring collaboration
Mysql enterprise monitoring collaboration

  1. #Mysql enterprise monitoring collaboration how to#
  2. #Mysql enterprise monitoring collaboration software#

Schedule Cluster Rules Against the Servers

  • Generate alerts when data nodes are out of service.
  • Monitor the state of the MySQL Server itself (number of client connections, CPU usage etc.).
  • Use the Query Analyzer to keep track of how your applications access the database and troubleshoot performance issues.
  • mysql enterprise monitoring collaboration

    If using an older version of MySQL Cluster then you get less benefit from MySQL Enterprise Monitor but there is still some value in using it to monitor the MySQL Servers that are part of the cluster: There is nothing special for you to configure on the servers, behind the scenes, Enterprise Monitor is reading the contents of the ndbinfo database that was introduced in MySQL Cluster 7.1. Note that MySQL Enterprise Monitor has no direct connection to the data nodes and so one or more of the MySQL Servers from the Cluster is effectively used as a proxy.

  • A set of new graphs have been added so that you can monitor the usage of key resources over time.
  • This Advisor is made up of a set of rules that check various aspects of the data nodes and raise alerts if a configurable threshold is exceeded
  • A new MySQL Cluster Advisor has been added.
  • There are two main aspects that have been extended to cover MySQL Cluster:

    #Mysql enterprise monitoring collaboration software#

    This post briefly steps through the new (Cluster-specific) functionality but if you’re interested, why not try it for yourself and download the new MySQL Enterprise Monitor software from Oracle E-Delivery. If you like what you see then the good news is that if you take out a subscription for MySQL Cluster CGE (or buy a license) then this now also entitles you to use MySQL Enterprise Monitor.

    mysql enterprise monitoring collaboration

    Of course, that post might still be of interest if you want to further extend MySQL Enterprise Monitor. The great news is that as of MySQL Enterprise Monitor 2.3 (available from Oracle E-Delivery since 1st November) this functionality is included in the core product and so there is no need to add the extra features in manually.

    mysql enterprise monitoring collaboration

    #Mysql enterprise monitoring collaboration how to#

    MySQL Enterprise Monitor with MySQL ClusterĪ few months ago, I posted a walkthrough of how to extend MySQL Enterprise Monitor in order to monitor MySQL Cluster.

    Mysql enterprise monitoring collaboration